ENRICH in LAC- European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs Latin America & The Caribbean
Started as a European Commission funded project under the H2020 framework programme (CEBRABIC) back in 2017, the initiative started addressing Brazil, entitled ENRICH in Brazil (European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs), and set up as a Non-Profit Association in December 2019.
In 2021, the initiative was expanded to cover not only Brazil, but also other 4 countries in Latin America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Uruguay. We are now ENRICH in LAC!
The ENRICH initiative believes that a higher social welfare can be achieved through innovative measures in several fronts, from industrial and academic research to public policies and business management. With a consolidated innovation hub in Brazil, expanding to Latin America and benefitting the knowledge created and absorbed since 2017, ENRICH will be able to contribute to Latin American research, science, and technology.
This potential will bring positive spill-overs to other regions as well through the partnerships created and consolidated by initiative. Likewise, European countries will be able to benefit from the excellence provided by Latin America partners of all concerned sectors. This will enable the exchange of expertise and experience between Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Uruguay and other ENRICH centres, making the initiative even more global.
In a world where the creation of knowledge increasingly happens on a global scale, and in an accelerating pace, ENRICH is prepared to overcome these challenges and contribute to the prosperity of all people directly or indirectly related to the project.
Website: https://lac.enrichcentres.eu/