ENRICH GLOBAL is an international non-for-profit association, founded in 2020 and set up under the French law of the 1st of July 1901 by a group of 12 founding members, public, private and non-for-profit organisations based in Brazil, Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, and the USA. The headquarters of ENRICH GLOBAL are located in Sophia Antipolis Science Park, France.
Members and potential members of ENRICH GLOBAL are those who support research, science, technology, innovation, business and internationalisation by working, training, or leveraging companies, researchers and innovative entrepreneurs. This includes, but is not limited to, networks, public or private service providers, clusters, incubators, accelerators, business and innovation centres, local, regional or national authorities, chambers of commerce, associations, investors, universities, public and private research organisations, and any innovation-support organisations, established worldwide.
The objective of ENRICH GLOBAL is to contribute to the development of European scientific, technological and innovation excellence, reinforce innovation competitiveness and internationalisation and take European innovation global (and vice versa), by:
ENRICH GLOBAL provides support through

The facilitation of sharing and dissemination of internationalisation-related knowledge and good practices between its members;

The valorisation of collaborative European research and innovation on the international level;

The creation of thematic groups, working groups, committees, bringing together experts and world class actors, contributing to international research, innovation and business collaboration

The facilitation of sustainability activities of emerging or existing collaborative initiatives, projects, and networks;

Educational efforts aimed at supporting internationalisation-related knowledge and skills development;

Other support measures related to the internationalisation of European research, innovation, and business activities.

ENRICH GLOBAL builds a future for international innovation-related collaboration and brings together members both from leading innovative countries – in Europe and worldwide – as well as from countries interested to expand and reinforce their innovation and innovation-related collaboration, learning from and sharing with others.
ENRICH GLOBAL has direct access, through its members and their offices and partnerships, to the following countries and regions: all European Union countries; Western Balkans; all Latin American countries (especially to Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia); USA, Canada, China, India, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Russia, most countries in ASEAN (especially Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam), and several countries in Africa and in Central Asia. Connection to other countries and regions are regularly made.
Through its activities, ENRICH GLOBAL draws upon outstanding competences of the pool of founding members, who bring both private and public sector experience, as well as knowledge of internationalisation activities at different levels. Founding members include:
- Public National Agencies, Centres or Foundations : ANPEI – Brazil National Association of Research and Development of Innovative Companies; APRE – Italian Agency for Promotion of European Research; DLR – German Aerospace Center/International Bureau of German Federal Ministry of Research, FORTH – Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Greece;
- Renowned global consultancy firms and networks with hundreds of years of cumulative experience in supporting internationalisation of innovation: CIVITTA (HQ Estonia), EAEC – European-American Entreprise Council (USA), EBN – European Business & Innovation Centre Network, ENRICH in LAC – European Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs in Latin America, EURelations (Switzerland), GAC Group (HQ France), RCISD – Regional Centre for Information and Scientific Development (Hungary), SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (HQ Portugal).

Our founding members